Red-Horse lab papers in red.


  1. Brian Raftrey, Ian Williams, Pamela E. Rios Coronado, Andrew H. Chang, Mingming Zhao, Robert Roth, Raquel Racelis, Gaetano D’Amato, Ragini Phansalkar, Karen M. Gonzalez, Yue Zhang, Daniel Bernstein, Kristy Red-Horse. Dach1 extends artery networks and protects against cardiac injury bioRxiv 2020.08.07.242164
  1. Siyeon Rhee, David T. Paik, Johnson Y. Yang, Danielle Nagelberg, Ian Williams, Lei Tian, Robert Roth, Mark Chandy, Jiyeon Ban, Nadjet Belbachir, Seokho Kim, Hao Zhang, Ragini Phansalkar, Ka Man Wong, Devin A. King, Caroline Valdez, Virginia D. Winn, Ashby J. Morrison, Joseph C. Wu, Kristy Red-Horse Endocardial/endothelial angiocrines regulate cardiomyocyte development and maturation and induce features of ventricular non-compaction. bioRxiv 2020.07.25.220301
  1. Paik DT, Tian L, Williams IM, Rhee S, Zhang H, Liu C, Mishra R, Wu SM, Red-Horse K, Wu JC. Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Unveils Unique Transcriptomic Signatures of Organ-Specific Endothelial Cells. Circulation. 2020 Nov 10;142(19):1848-1862. Epub 2020 Sep 15. PMID: 32929989.
  1. Dermadi D, Rahman M, Kiefel H, O'Hara E, Koning JJ, Kawashima H, Zhou B, Vestweber D, Red-Horse K, Mebius RE, Adams RH, Kubes P, Pan J, Butcher EC. A molecular map of murine lymph node blood vascular endothelium at single cell resolution. Nat Commun. 2020 Jul 30;11(1):3798. PMID: 32732867.
  1. Buikema JW, Lee S, Goodyer WR, Maas RG, Chirikian O, Li G, Miao Y, Paige SL, Lee D, Wu H, Paik DT, Rhee S, Tian L, Galdos FX, Puluca N, Beyersdorf B, Hu J, Beck A, Venkamatran S, Swami S, Wijnker P, Schuldt M, Dorsch LM, van Mil A, Red-Horse K, Wu JY, Geisen C, Hesse M, Serpooshan V, Jovinge S, Fleischmann BK, Doevendans PA, van der Velden J, Garcia KC, Wu JC, Sluijter JPG, Wu SM. Wnt Activation and Reduced Cell-Cell Contact Synergistically Induce Massive Expansion of Functional Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes. Cell Stem Cell. 2020 Jul 2;27(1):50-63.e5. PMID: 32619518.
  1. Jung KO, Kim TJ, Yu JH, Rhee S, Zhao W, Ha B, Red-Horse K, Gambhir SS, Pratx G. Whole-body tracking of single cells via positron emission tomography. Nat Biomed Eng. 2020 Aug;4(8):835-844. Epub 2020 Jun 15. PMID: 32541917.
  1. Large CL, Vitali HE, Whatley JD, Red-Horse K, Sharma B. In Vitro Model of Coronary Angiogenesis. J Vis Exp. 2020 Mar 10;(157) PMID: 32225157.
  1. Ragini Phansalkar, Kristy Red-Horse. Techniques Converge to Map the Developing Human Heart at Single-Cell Level. Nature 2020; 577 (7792), 629-630. PMID: 31988406


  1. Dana Gancz , Brian C Raftrey, Gal Perlmoter, Rube´ n Marı´n-Juez, Jonathan Semo, Ryota L Matsuoka, Ravi Karra, Hila Raviv, Noga Moshe, Yoseph Addadi, Ofra Golani, Kenneth D Poss, Kristy Red-Horse, Didier YR Stainier, Karina Yaniv. Distinct origins and molecular mechanisms contribute to lymphatic formation during cardiac growth and regeneration. eLife 2019;8:e44153
  1. Kristy Red-Horse and Arndt F. Siekmann. Veins and Arteries Build Hierarchical Branching Patterns Differently: Bottom-Up versus Top-Down. BioEssays Vol. 41 no. 3 (2019)
  1. Soumyashree Das, Andrew B. Goldstone, Hanjay Wang, Vinicio de Jesus Perez, Y. Joseph Woo, Kristy Red-Horse. A Unique Collateral Artery Development ProgramPromotes Neonatal Heart Regeneration. Cell Vol. 176 no. 5 (2019)


  1. Kwang-Min Kim, Alsu I. Zamaleeva, Youn Woo Lee, M. Rafiuddin Ahmed, Eunkyung Kim, Hye-Ryeon Lee, Venkata Raveendra Pothineni, Juan Tao, Siyeon Rhee, Mithya Jayakumar, Mohammed Inayathullah, Senthilkumar Sivanesan, Kristy Red-Horse, Theo D. Palmer, JonPark, Daniel V. Madison, Ho-Young Lee, Jayakumar Rajadas. Characterization of brain dysfunction induced by bacterial lipopeptides that alter neuronal activity and network in rodent brains. J of Neuro. (2018) 0825-17
  1. David T. Paik, Lei Tian, Jaecheol Lee, Nazish Sayed, Ian Y Chen, Siyeon Rhee, June-Wha Rhee, Youngkyun Kim, Robert Wirka, Jan W Buikema, Kristy Red-Horse, Thomas Quertermous, Joseph C. Wu.. Large-Scale Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Molecular Signatures of Heterogeneous Populations of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Cells. Circ. Res. (2018). doi:10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.312913 [Epub]
  1. Tianying Su, Geoff Stanley, Rahul Sinha*, Gaetano D'Amato, Soumya Das, Siyeon Rhee, Andrew H. Chang, Aruna Poduri, Brian Raftrey, Thanh Theresa Dinh, Walter A. Roper, Guang Li, Kelsey E. Quinn, Kathleen M. Caron, Sean Wu, Lucile Miquerol, Eugene C. Butcher, Irving Weissman, Stephen Quake & Kristy Red-Horse. Single-cell analysis of early progenitor cells that build coronary arteries. Nature 559, 356–362 (2018).
  1. S. Rhee, Chung, J. I., King, D. A., D’Amato, G., Paik, D. T., Duan, A., Chang, A., Nagelberg, D., Sharma, B., Jeong, Y., Diehn, M., Wu, J. C., Morrison, A. J., and Red-Horse, K., “Endothelial deletion of Ino80 disrupts coronary angiogenesis and causes congenital heart disease.”, Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, 2018.


  1. B. Sharma*, Ho, L., Ford, G. H., Chen, H. I., Goldstone, A. B., Y Woo, J., Quertermous, T., Reversade, B., and Red-Horse, K., “Alternative Progenitor Cells Compensate to Rebuild the Coronary Vasculature in Elabela- and Apj-Deficient Hearts.”, Developmental Cell, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 655-666, 2017.
  1. S. Das* and Red-Horse, K., “Cellular plasticity in cardiovascular development and disease.”, Developmental Dynamics, vol. 246, no. 4, pp. 328-335, 2017.
  1. B. Sharma*, Chang, A. H., and Red-Horse, K., “Coronary Artery Development: Progenitor Cells and Differentiation Pathways.”, Annual Review of Physiology, vol. 79, pp. 1-19, 2017.
  1. A. H. Chang*, Raftrey, B. C., D’Amato, G., Surya, V. N., Poduri, A., Chen, H. I., Goldstone, A. B., Woo, J., Fuller, G. G., Dunn, A. R., and Red-Horse, K., “DACH1 stimulates shear stress-guided endothelial cell migration and coronary artery growth through the CXCL12-CXCR4 signaling axis”, Genes and Development, vol. 31, pp. 1308-1324, 2017.
  1. C. Hwangbo*, Wu, J., Papangeli, I., Adachi, T., Sharma, B., Park, S., Zhao, L., Ju, H., Go, G. -woong, Cui, G., Inayathullah, M., Job, J. K., Rajadas, J., Kwei, S. L., Li, M. O., Morrison, A. R., Quertermous, T., Mani, A., Red-Horse, K., and Chun, H. J., “Endothelial APLNR regulates tissue fatty acid uptake and is essential for apelin's glucose-lowering effects.”, Science Translational Medicine, vol. 9, no. 407, 2017.
  1. A. Poduri*, Chang, A. H., Raftrey, B. C., Rhee, S., Van, M., and Red-Horse, K., “Endothelial cells respond to the direction of mechanical stimuli through SMAD signaling to regulate coronary artery size.”, Development, vol. 144, no. 18, 2017.


  1. I. Papangeli*, Kim, J., Maier, I., Park, S., Lee, A., Kang, Y., Tanaka, K., Khan, O. F., Ju, H., Kojima, Y., Red-Horse, K., Anderson, D. G., Siekmann, A. F., and Chun, H. J., “MicroRNA 139-5p coordinates APLNR-CXCR4 crosstalk during vascular maturation.”, Nature Communications, vol. 7, 2016.


  1. Q. Liu, Hu, T., He, L., Huang, X., Tian, X., Zhang, H., He, L., Pu, W., Zhang, L., Sun, H., Fang, J., Yu, Y., Duan, S., Hu, C., Hui, L., Zhang, H., Quertermous, T., Xu, Q., Red-Horse, K., Wythe, J. D., and Zhou, B., “Genetic targeting of sprouting angiogenesis using Apln-CreER.”, Nat Commun, vol. 6, p. 6020, 2015.
  1. K. S. Volz, Jacobs, A. H., Chen, H. I., Poduri, A., McKay, A. S., Riordan, D. P., Kofler, N., Kitajewski, J., Weissman, I., and Red-Horse, K., “Pericytes are progenitors for coronary artery smooth muscle.”, Elife, vol. 4, 2015.


  1. S. R. Ali, Ranjbarvaziri, S., Talkhabi, M., Zhao, P., Subat, A., Hojjat, A., Kamran, P., Müller, A. M., Volz, K. S., Tang, Z., Red-Horse, K., and Ardehali, R., “Developmental Heterogeneity of Cardiac Fibroblasts Does Not Predict Pathological Proliferation and Activation.”, Circ Res, 2014.
  1. K. Red-Horse, Drake, P. M., and Fisher, S., “Exploring the world of human development and reproduction.”, Int J Dev Biol, vol. 58, no. 2-4, pp. 87-93, 2014.
  1. A. Sharma, Marceau, C., Hamaguchi, R., Burridge, P. W., Rajarajan, K., Churko, J. M., Wu, H., Sallam, K. I., Matsa, E., Sturzu, A. C., Che, Y., Ebert, A., Diecke, S., Liang, P., Red-Horse, K., Carette, J. E., Wu, S. M., and Wu, J. C., “Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes as an in vitro model for coxsackievirus b3-induced myocarditis and antiviral drug screening platform.”, Circ Res, vol. 115, no. 6, pp. 556-66, 2014.
  1. A. Schanz, Red-Horse, K., Hess, A. P., Baston-Büst, D. M., Heiss, C., and Krüssel, J. S., “Oxygen regulates human cytotrophoblast migration by controlling chemokine and receptor expression.”, Placenta, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 1089-94, 2014.
  1. H. I. Chen, Sharma, B., Akerberg, B. N., Numi, H. J., Kivela, R., Saharinen, P., Aghajanian, H., McKay, A. S., Bogard, P. E., Chang, A. H., Jacobs, A. H., Epstein, J. A., Stankunas, K., Alitalo, K., and Red-Horse, K., “The sinus venosus contributes to coronary vasculature through VEGFC-stimulated angiogenesis.”, Development, 2014.
  1. H. I. Chen, Poduri, A., Numi, H., Kivela, R., Saharinen, P., McKay, A. S., Raftrey, B., Churko, J., Tian, X., Zhou, B., Wu, J. C., Alitalo, K., and Red-Horse, K., “VEGF-C and aortic cardiomyocytes guide coronary artery stem development.”, J Clin Invest, 2014.


  1. X. Tian, Hu, T., Zhang, H., He, L., Huang, X., Liu, Q., Yu, W., He, L., Yang, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhong, T. P., Yang, X., Yang, Z., Yan, Y., Baldini, A., Sun, Y., Lu, J., Schwartz, R. J., Evans, S. M., Gittenberger-de Groot, A. C., Red-Horse, K., and Zhou, B., “Subepicardial endothelial cells invade the embryonic ventricle wall to form coronary arteries.”, Cell Res, 2013.


  1. D. M. Greif, Kumar, M., Lighthouse, J. K., Hum, J., An, A., Ding, L., Red-Horse, K., Espinoza, H. F., Olson, L., Offermanns, S., and Krasnow, M. A., “Radial construction of an arterial wall.”, Dev Cell, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 482-93, 2012.


  1. K. Red-Horse, Ueno, H., Weissman, I. L., and Krasnow, M. A., “Coronary arteries form by developmental reprogramming of venous cells.”, Nature, vol. 464, no. 7288, pp. 549-53, 2010.